
The film "Caves and Ice Age Art in the Swabian Jura"

The film "Caves and Ice Age Art in the Swabian Jura - A UNESCO World Heritage Site" accompanies the nomination and inscription of this World Heritage Site. Basic questions are answered, such as: "What is necessary to inscribe a cultural site on the World Heritage List? How does the inscription process work? Who is involved? How will the World Heritage site be managed in the future?". In addition, the film offers a look behind the scenes and explains background information on research, conservation and the management of the site.


Part 1: The path to becoming a UNESCO World Heritage SiteIn the first of a total of five parts of this film on the World Heritage Site "Caves and Ice Age Art in the Swabian Jura", we follow the path from inscription to nomination of the World Heritage Site. The background to the inscription criteria, the archaeological sites and finds as well as the extraordinary universal value are illuminated.



Official world heritage film

Caves and Ice Age Art in the Swabian Jura - video presented at the official World Heritage celebration in Nov. 2017

Presented at the official celebration for the presentation of the World Heritage certificate

The property "Caves and Ice Age Art in the Swabian Jura" was inscribed on the UNESCO-World Heritage list in July 2017. The so far oldest mobile figurative art objects and musical instruments have been found in caves in the Swabian Jura. They are ca. 40,000 years old. Cultural heritage preservation authorities of the State of Baden-Württemberg are responsible for protection and preservation of the World Heritage site as well as the regular documentation of its state of preservation. Caves and finds are documented with state of the art 3D-technology. In addition, a broadly based public relations work raises general awareness for the special concerns of a World Heritage site.


The video was presented at the official celebration for the handover of the World Heritage certificate from the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the State of Baden-Württemberg in November 2017.



Caves with the oldest Ice Age art - video for the CMT 2017

Presented at the CMT fair 2017 in Stuttgart

The „Caves with the oldest Ice Age art” were nominated by the Federal Republic of Germany as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2016. The so far oldest mobile figurative art objects and musical instruments of mankind have been discovered in cave sites in the Swabian Jura. They are approximately 40,000 years old. The State Office for Cultural Heritage Baden-Württemberg is responsible for protection and conservation of the World Heritage site, meanwhile inscripted as "Caves and Ice Age Art in the Swabian Jura". Caves and finds are documented with cutting-edge 3D-technology.



The original version of this short film was presented at the CMT fair (Caravan, Motor, Touristik) in 2017 in Stuttgart.